Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Javier on the way . .

The experience of 1st and 2nd pregnancy is totally different. The feeling is different and how Claris and Javier came to this world is different too. Even the treatment is different.
On 28 Feb, I notice this 'bloody show' or mucous plug. I recall reading something about losing the mucous plug few weeks ago before birth. It means baby is ready to come to this world. I called my gynae and inform her, she told me to continue monitor baby movements. Then night came about 1plus I start to have abdominal cramps for 2 - 3hours but I ignore it. Then I woke up at 4plus and then I start to pack some stuffs such as my I/C, sweater, extra clothes to change for discharge. And I called up the Labour ward to check with them when should I admit to hospital? They say its still too early to admit unless I need painkillers or water bag burst. Anyway, I waited till 6plus then I took a bath coz I'm worried I won't get to bath if I really admit to hospital.

I don't really feel very painful contractions, can't really feel bb movements. He dunno if he wants to go to work, scare its false alarm. But in the end, he never go to work. I even send Claris to school at 9am on 1 Mar. I call up my gynae saying I have abdominal cramps and bb movement less, she advised me to come for CTG then see her at 12plus. Based on the CTG chart, gynae say its normal, no major contractions. Anyway, she do a check for me and say that its already dilated 4cm. Gynae say I can admit to delivery suite. So we left the clinic and walk to the Delivery Suite ourselves then halfway thru, gynae called my hb hp and ask where are we, they are waiting for us. Hb told gynae we already reach the Delivery Suite, gynae gives others the feeling that we are rushing to give birth..hhaha..

When I reach the delivery suite, the nurse say I'm a brave mummmy. I'm not sure why she say that then she explain: " you dilated 4cm, still can walk to delivery suite yourself. " Shortly I change up and get ready to lie on the bed with the CTG on me, monitoring bb Javier movements. Gynae came in to burst my waterbag and Claris is still in the Delivery Suite with me, waiting for Mum to come and bring Claris as I wanted her to stay put at mum place when I'm in the hospital. Its already 3plus when I'm in the delivery suite, the nurse put a drip and let the contractions come faster and I slowly feel the pain coming from the back. Its so painful and the water flowing out from the waterbag is making me uncomfortable. The nurse ask me the 1st time, if I can manage the pain, do I need any painkiller? I say still manageable. 2nd time the nurse came in and ask if the pain still manageable? I'm already struggling and its so painful so I ask for the 'Entonox Gas', the nurse taught me how to use the gas properly in order to kill the pain. Even at this stage, I'm still thinking if I want epidural? I decide not to have epidural unless the labour is very long and at the meant time I try to endure the pain. Entonox Gas indeed strong and powerful, it gives me the feeling like opium. If used correctly, you don't feel the contractions pain at all. You feel like you are floating in the sky..

Shortly the gynae came and do a check, its already dilated 8cm. I was in crucial pain, gynae ask me if I feel like pushing? I'm not sure, I only know its very pain..I'm very conscious this time round, maybe its because I didn't have epidural. Gynae, midwife and nurses are on standby as they see me in so much pain, they sense that bb is coming so they ask me to push then on 1st Mar, 1752hrs, Javier came to this world. The whole labour only take 2hr plus, its pretty fast. I recalled in 2007 when I give birth to Claris, her eyes open all the way till I reach my ward to rest. But Javier is different, he closed his eyes all time till the day i discharge from hospital he start to open his eyes.

Let's welcome Javier who is just minutes to this world

Claris Jie Jie hugging Javier Di Di

I miss the feeling of being pregnant, miss my big tummy, miss the night kicks, miss the confinement soups catering, miss the wonderful time spend with Claris and so on. I feel that I'm a more experience mummmy as I experience alot when I'm taking care of Claris so I know what's gonna happen and how to handle it. Life is different with 2 kids now. As for now, children are everything to me. I wish I can be a good mummy to Claris and Javier. And I hope I have better control with my temper. Whenever Claris don's listen to me, I feel very frustrated and sad. Hope she will grow up to understand the meaning of "WHATEVER I DO, ITS ALL FOR UR OWN GOOD"